Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Final Product: Props: Pinboard

Our initial opening shot consists of photographs being added to a pinboard. Pinboards are often used as memoirs; a collection of photographs or tokens to remind an individual of past events in their life; for example a selection of keepsakes. This association will be used to our advantage as the audience will be unaware of the identity of the person who owns the pinboard; is it the antagonist (stalker) or is the pinboard part of a police investigation in which the antagonist (stalker) is the target/aim? The pinboard will also give my group the opportunity to produce an efficient graphic match as the pinboard will contain pictures of the protagonist (Stephanie Jones) who will be introduced later on in the opening clip. The pinboard also gives my group the opportunity to experiment with lighting e.g. high or low key (we have discussed the use of a torch attached to the camera so the lighting and camera match and are in sync with one another) and movement e.g. pan shots. 

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